Washington Blues Society advertising options for your venue, group or event – contact our editor for more information
Print in the WBS Bluesletter
Washington Blues Society Advertisement Purchase Order Form BLUESLETTER PRINT AD SPACE (circle your choice) Advertisement Graphics Must Be Sent As Attachments All Images -> High Resolution 300dpi TIFs For Color -> CMYK TIFs For Black/ White -> Grayscale
AD SIZE DIMENSIONS BLACK/WHITE COLOR Height x Width in mm FULL PAGE: 238 X 187.3 $360 $450 ½ PAGE VERTICAL 238 X 91.3 $210 $264 INSIDE ½ PAGE HORIZONTAL 116.66 X 187.3 $210 $264 BACK ½ PAGE HORIZONTAL 116.66 X 187.3 $312 $390 ¼ PAGE VERTICAL 116.66 X 91.3 $120 $150 1/12 PAGE SQUARE 56 X59.3 $210 $264 BUSINESS CARD 56 X 91.3 $36 $46 DESIRED BLUESLETTER PUBLICATION MONTH(s) ___________________________________ ONLINE-ADS (circle your choice) CLICK THRU SIDE BAR GRAPHIC AD $25 PER MONTH CLICK THRU BANNER GRAPHIC $50 PER MONTH. (All Ad artwork for online publishing must be jpg. file, no PDFs) EMAIL BLASTS CLICK THRU GRAPHIC IN WEEKLY BLUES NEWS EMAIL DISTRIBUTION $50 / EMAIL BLAST EMAIL BLAST QUANTITY____________ AD START DATE_______________ AD END DATE________________
Print Advertising Discounts: 20% off – 12-month pre-payment 15% off – 6-month pre-payment 10% off – 3-month pre-payment DEADLINES: ALL SUBMISSIONS EDITORIAL COPY/ PHOTOS & GRAPHICS/ AD RESERVATIONS DUE 5TH DAY OF MONTH PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION Name of Event/ Artist/ Organization_____________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (print) _______________________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ ALL ADVERTISING SUBMISSIONS TO ADVERTISING@WABLUES.ORG ALL ARTICLES/ SHOW REVIEWS/ ALBUM REVIEWS & PRINT CONTENT TO EDITOR@WABLUES.ORG Copy & Ad Deadlines:
Washington Blues Society
P O Box 70604
* The printed deadline for the calendar is always the 10th of the month. ** Pick-Up: Mail-out date and pick-up by Nelson Distributing (our Seattle downtown distribution partner) *** Lead Features: Generally, a two-page article with several photos. When possible, the cover subject will have a corresponding feature article or link to a specific event in the issue. Suggestions for ContributorsThe Bluesletter welcomes articles and pictures that may be of interest to Washington Blues Society members and Bluesletter readers. The following suggestions describe the publication’s requirements for editorial copy and pictures. Editorial ContributionsAll stories, blues show reviews, Letters to the Editor and CD reviews must be submitted as attachments, and not embedded in the body of an email, to editor@wablues.org. Please submit articles as attachments in plain text (.txt) or Microsoft Word. Please title the story with a file name that describes the copy, such as “CD Review Band Name by Author Name” or “Show Review Mark Hummell by Author Name.” Pictures and Visual ArtOur printer, Pacific Publishing, requires all Bluesletter submissions to be formatted for traditional print media at high resolution. This generally means that photos pulled from social media or the Internet will not be suitable for print as they are often saved in low resolution (e.g. 72 dots per inch or less). For print, all photos must be sent as attachments in high resolution, 300 dots per inch, and all color images must be saved as CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) images only. Please title each picture with a unique title instead of using camera-supplied numerical file names, such as “Little Bill Show Photo by Photographer Name.” Questions? Please email editor@wablues.org with questions regarding potential stories or photos. Please remember that the Bluesletter reaches not only a regional Pacific Northwest audience but readers across North America and the world. We have an active street team that distributions the magazine to well over 125 locations in the greater Seattle area and mail copies to blues clubs around the nation. |
DOWNLOAD the WBS advertising Doc here : https://wablues.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/wbs-ad-doc.pdf